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ASA Section on Statistical Computing

Read the Message from our Chair

Tim Hesterberg, 
Chair of the Computing Section

This is an exciting time for computational statistics. Ever-increasing volumes of data are available in a wide variety of fields, at scales ranging from minuscule (proteomics) to huge (remote sensing) to big money (data mining), with attendant computational statistics challenges.
Dated 11/05 | Read more ... ]

Read about the Latest in Computing


Journal of Statistical Software

JSS publishes descriptions of statistical software, reviews and comparisons of software systems, and reports on larger software projects. Special issues focus on topics related to statistical computing.

Dated 3/04 | JSS Site ]

Latest Software Announcements

We would like to compile your comments on the latest and greatest hardware, software or networking tools.

Dated 3/04 | Tell us what's cool ]

Go to the online edition!

Volume 16, Number 1

Feature articles include:


Expanding your statistical computing toolbox with Python


Using pdfscreen for interactive presentations

Dated Summer 2005 | Download ]

Read Member News


Section members elected as ASA Fellows

Several members of the section on statistical computing have recently been elected as ASA fellows.

Dated 11/05 | Read more... ]

Contact the Exec Committee



E-mail us announcements of upcoming conferences and member news. You can also try our Submission form . Help keep our list of resources current!


Executive Committee

Get involved in section activities! Contact an EC member. View our picture board of past Chairs! Also, see hour Elections Page that describes candidates standing for office and past election results.


Section History

We have compiled a fairly complete history, dating back to the initial documents that founded the section.


Section Charter

Our commitment to supporting statistical computing and services for our members.


Section on Statistical Graphics

Visit our partners in crime, the Statistical Graphics section of the ASA, for the latest news in visualization.

Read about Section News

New Judge for Chambers Award

José Pinheiro, section awards officer announces:

Ross Ihaka has concluded his three-year term as a Chambers Award judge. Many thanks to Ross for all his wonderful contributions over these past three years. It is always good to acknowledge that it is the hard work of volunteers like Ross that make the Chambers and other awards sponsored by the section possible.

I am pleased to announce that David James, from Bell Labs and with a long history of contributions and participation in our section and the Stat. Graphics section, has accepted the invitation to replace Ross in the Chambers Award judge team. I am looking forward to working with David in the forthcoming competitions.

Dated 1/06 | Contact José ]


Read more about Conferences


Interface 07
39th Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics. 
Conference theme: Systems Biology 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
May 23-26, 2007


Third International Conference on Establishment Surveys. 
Conference theme: Survey Methods for: Businesses, Farms, and Institutions 
Montreal, Quebec, Canada 
June 18-21, 2007


JSM 2007
Joint Statistical Meetings. 
Conference theme: Harnessing the Power of Information 
Salt Lake City, Utah 
July 29 - August 2


18th Conference of the IASC-ERS 
Porto, Portugal 
August 24-29, 2008

Read Featured Items


Quote of the Month:

"Luck is probability taken personally. It is the excitement of bad math."
- Penn & Teller

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